IBM Books

Nways Manager for AIX-LAN Network Manager/I.H.M.P. User's Guide

Working With Traps

This chapter describes how to work with and customize some of the traps, events, and filters provided by NetView for AIX and used by the 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager component of Nways Manager-LAN.

event management in Nways Manager-LAN is fully integrated with the event management provided by NetView for AIX. However, its behavior differs depending on whether you are using IBM SystemView NetView/6000 V2 or IBM NetView for AIX V4 or V5. See the NetView for AIX User's Guide for detailed information.

General Overview gives a general overview that applies to both versions of NetView for AIX. Using NetView for AIX V4 or V5 gives specific information when using NetView for AIX V4 or V5.

If you are not familiar with the way NetView for AIX handles traps, events, and filters, read General Overview and when necessary, refer to the NetView for AIX User's Guide.

For more detailed information on how Nways Manager-LAN interacts with NetView for AIX, refer to the sections in this chapter that describe the level of NetView for AIX you are running.

General Overview

8250 and 8260 agent traps are received by the NetView for AIX trapd daemon. These traps are logged in ASCII format in the /usr/OV/log/trapd.log file and in binary format in the /usr/OV/log/ovevent.log file. They are forwarded to the iubd daemon which decodes and processes the traps before returning the interpreted trap to trapd. These interpreted traps are also logged in trapd.log and ovevent.log and are forwarded to nvevents for display if this application is running.

The nvevents and nvela facilities are used by the 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager component to manage the traps received by NetView for AIX. The nvevents application allows you to access dynamic and static workspaces, while the nvela application provides access to the event log (static workspaces only). Refer to theNetView for AIX User's Guide for a complete description of these applications.

Starting nvevents

The nvevents application is also called the Event Display Application. To start nvevents,

Starting xnmevents

select Monitor -> Events -> Current Events from the menu bar of the IBM Hubs Topology. This application displays all the events which have been received and filtered for display during the current NetView for AIX session.

Dynamic Workspaces

Panels that contain dynamic workplaces display the list of events received for a given resource and dynamically update the display to show new traps coming from the resource.
Note:Events in the Log Only category do not appear in a dynamic workspace but are still logged in the trapd.log andovevent.log files.

Static Workspaces

Panels that contain static workplaces display the list of events already received for a resource. Static resources do not dynamically update the display as new events are generated, such as the results of a Search operation from a dynamic workspace.

For example, to display all the events for a given hub (corresponding to master and slave management modules), open a static workspace by doing the following:

Starting nvela

The nvela facility is also called the Event History Application. You start it by selecting Monitor -> Events -> Event History from the menu bar of the IBM Hubs Topology.

This application displays all events which have been logged in the /usr/OV/log/ovevent.log. To display these events, select a filter criterion (optional) and then select Query -> Display Events.

Event History

All events are systematically logged into the NetView for AIX event log file /usr/OV/log/ovevent_log unless the size of this file is set to zero by selecting Operations -> Set Log Size from the Event History menu. The default size of the event history log is 128KB (user-defined up to a maximum of 2MB).

To access the event log file, select Monitor -> Events -> Event History.
Note:The default size of dynamic and static workspaces is 500 events. Both sizes are customizable in the /usr/OV/app-defaults directory by setting values in the Nevla and the Nvevents files. When this size is exceeded, the first events are overwritten and a warning is displayed.

The 8250, 8260, and 8265 Device Manager component of Nways Manager-LAN detects and reports all the faults taking place in the various hub networks. All related events are logged in the NetView for AIX event log and dynamic workspaces for further analysis. You can save these logs into different files using static workspaces or the Event History application.

As this function is based on the NetView for AIX log facility, you can use the following parameters:

You can also associate specific actions to the different hub events and traps using the NetView for AIX event configuration. To do so, select Options -> Event Configuration -> Trap Customization: SNMP.

For details about Beep and Mail, see the Optional Command and Argument Format section of the NetView for AIX online help for Options -> Event Configuration -> Trap Customization: SNMP or the relevant sections in the NetView for AIX User's Guide for ovxbeep and ovxecho.

Ordering capability is also provided, based on the following criteria:

Note:A sample filter definition for filtering all traps generated by an 8250 or 8260 hub is provided in the /usr/OV/filters/iub.filters file.

Working With Hub Events

The conventions described in Table 24 are used to identify slots, subslots, ports, trunks, threshold identifiers, and power supplies. All the traps formatted by Nways Manager-LAN use these conventions. When you perform a search, you can use these conventions as search criteria. Also, you can use the hub label when you search for a specific hub.

Table 24. Identifying Resources
S Slot Level
s Subslot Level
p Port Level
t Trunk Level
T Threshold Identifier
P Power Supply
crm Critical Resource Monitoring

When working with hub-specific events, you may need to take different actions depending on which resource level you are working at and whether you are using IBM SystemView NetView/6000 V2 or IBM NetView for AIX V4 or V5.

Using NetView for AIX V4 or V5

Selecting Traps for Hubs

Select one or more hubs in the IBM Hubs Topology or open a Hub Level view. Filtering is based on the hub label(s) of the selected hub(s) when you select HubManager -> Fault from a hub's context menu or Hub -> Fault from the menu bar of the Hub Level view.

This means that one or more dynamic workspaces are opened for the hub label(s). Master and slave traps are shown in these workspaces as they come from the same hub label.

Creating Dynamic Workspaces

Dynamic workspaces are automatically opened with the filtering criteria that correspond to the selected resource. This can be:

Thresholds and subslots can be used as search criteria.

To create a dynamic workspace with automatic filtering for a resource (hub, module, port, trunk, or power supply), press MB3 on the resource icon and select Fault from the context menu.

To create a dynamic workspace with hub-level filtering for a resource, select Hub -> Fault.

For example, to start the filtering for a module, select Fault from the context menu displayed when you click MB3 on the module icon. Filtering is performed according to the hub label(s) and the slot number. A dynamic workspace is opened where all the traps matching the hub label and slot number are displayed.

Dynamic workspaces display the list of events received for the selected resources and dynamically update the display when new traps are received from the agent.
Note:Events in the Log Only category do not appear in a dynamic workspace but are still logged in the trapd.log file.

Creating Static Workspaces using NetView for AIX V4 or V5

To use a dynamic workspace as input to create a static workspace, select Search ->By Criteria and enter a criterion for the search. Then click on the Create Workspace radio button to create a new workspace for the Search Results field.
Note:Using this facility, all search criteria described in Table 24 can also be done under NetView for AIX V4 or V5. However, it is easier to directly select a resource and create a dynamic workspace with filtering if you select Fault from the context menu of the resource.

Customizing Traps and Events

Nways Manager-LAN lets you customize the actions that are performed when traps are received from a hub. This includes specifying what action to take on a per-trap basis. The generic and specific traps are shown in Table 25.

Table 25. Generic and Specific Traps
Generic Specific Description Program Action
0 0 coldStart Normal Polling
1 0 warmStart not applicable
2 0 linkDown Polling
3 0 linkUp Polling
4 0 authenticationFailure not applicable
5 0 egpNeighborLoss not applicable
6 1 Hello Polling
6 2 Slot Down Polling
6 3 Slot Up Polling
6 4 Environment Update memory
6 5 Hardware Polling
6 6 Software not applicable
6 7 Change Update memory
6 8 Fatal Polling
6 9 Trunk Down Update memory
6 10 Trunk Up Update memory
6 11 Port Down Update memory
6 12 Port Up Update memory
6 13 Ping Forward to panel
6 14 aboveThreshold Update memory
6 15 belowThreshold Update memory
6 16 SubModuleDown Polling
6 17 SubModuleUp Polling
6 18 Security Update memory
6 19 Bridge Port Down Update memory
6 20 Bridge Port Up Update memory
6 21 Bridge Port Mau Down Update memory
6 22 Bridge Port Mau Up Update memory
6 25 ChipOutOfInterfaces not applicable
6 26 ChipFDDISMTPeer WrapCondition not applicable
6 27 ChipFDDIMacFrame ErrorCondition not applicable
6 28 ChipFddiMacFrameError ConditionCleared not applicable
6 29 ChipFddiMACDuplicate AddressCondition not applicable
6 30 ChipFddiMACNotCopied Condition not applicable
6 31 ChipFddiMACNotCopied ConditionCleared not applicable
6 32 ChipFddiMACNeighbor ChangeEvent not applicable
6 33 ChipFDDIPortLer Condition not applicable
6 34 ChipFddiPORTEBError Condition not applicable
6 35 ChipFddiPORTUndesirable ConnectionEvent not applicable
6 36 ChipInvalidConfiguration
6 37 ChipDuplicateLESAddress not applicable
6 38 ChipFDDITraceStatus not applicable
6 39 ChipAtmIlmiFailure not applicable
6 23 Port of SubModuleDown Update memory
6 24 Port of SubModuleUp Update memory
6 40 Critical Resource Failed not applicable
6 41 Critical Resource Recovered not applicable
Note:In order for the traps 6.40 and 6.41 to be generated each time a critical resource fails or recovers from failure, you must first enable trap generation by using SMIT. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Start from the Root submap or the IBM Hubs Topology.

  2. From the menu bar, select Administer -> Campus Manager SMIT.

  3. From the SMIT menu, select Configure -> Configure HUB Manager capability -> Change the resource monitoring configuration.

  4. In the Trap generated when critical resource fails or recovers field, change the parameter to Generated.
For more information, see Handling Traps for Critical Resources.

When no Distributed Management Module (DMM) is installed in an 8260 hub, hub resources can still be managed from Nways Manager-LAN if an ATM Switch (A-CPSW) module Version 2.3 or higher is installed. This is because the A-CPSW module (Version 2.3 or higher) contains a subset of the DMM MIB. In this case, the A-CPSW module acts as the master Management module in the hub and reports the traps shown in Table 26.

Table 26. Generic and Specific Traps when A-CPSW Module Acts as Master Agent
Generic Specific Description Program Action
6 102 Slot Down Polling
6 103 Slot Up Polling
6 104 Environment Update memory
6 107 Change Update memory
6 116 SubModuleDown Polling
6 117 SubModuleUp Polling

Customizing Traps and Events Using NetView for AIX V4 or V5

When you use Nways Manager-LAN with NetView for AIX V4 or V5, you can customize how you want traps to be handled and automate the action to be taken when they are received. This section summarizes the information on how to customize traps. For full details, refer to the NetView for AIX User's Guide and online help.

The following procedure is an example of how you may customize traps and events using NetView for AIX V4 or V5:

  1. Select the trap you want to customize (for example, 6.8). From NetView for AIX, select Options -> Event Configuration -> Trap Customization: SNMP. This displays the Event Configuration panel.

  2. Select the enterprise name hmp6000. This corresponds to the enterprise ID 8250 and 8260 agent traps, received by the NetView for AIX trapd daemon and only logged, are formatted with the Enterprise ID and should not be changed.

    Using these traps, Nways Manager-LAN reformats them with Enterprise ID with default actions and meaningful textual information. You can customize these traps by specifying an Enterprise Name and ID, such as hmp6000 The generic and specific traps shown in Table 25 are displayed in the panel. The following information is displayed:

  3. To customize a specific type of trap regardless of its source:

    1. Select the trap to be customized

    2. Click on the Modify pushbutton. The Modify Event dialog box is displayed. From the dialog box, you can:

      • Modify the event description.

      • Modify the severity of the event.

      • Add a pop-up window with text that will be displayed when the trap is received.

      • Add an automatic action to be done when the trap is received. For example, to add the trap description to a file called /usr/OV/log/trapd.log.hublabel (where hublabel is the label assigned to the hub), you would enter:
        echo "trap from hub $1: content $2" >>

    3. Click on the OK pushbutton. Then click on the Apply pushbutton to apply the change shown in the Event Configuration dialog box.

  4. To customize a specific action if the trap is received from one or more pre-defined hubs, use the event source facility:

    1. Select the trap to be customized.

    2. Click on the Copy pushbutton. The Copy Event dialog box is displayed. From the dialog box, you can:

      • Modify the event name according to the criteria you will choose.

      • Modify the event description accordingly.

      • Add the IP Addresses, the host names, or the pathname either by typing in the field or selecting one or more hubs in the IBM Hubs Topology and clicking on the Add from Submap pushbutton. In this example, the IP address is used.
        Note:Check that there is not an existing modified event that matches the IP Address you are adding.

      • Add a pop-up window.

      • Add a command. For example, enter the command that you want to be activated each time a trap with the specified number (6.8 in this example) is received. For example:
        echo "received from hub $1, from its agent
        IP address $A:$2 >>/usr/OV/log/hubs.log"

        where $1 and $2 are the label of the hub and the textual description of the trap respectively, and $A is the host name or IP address of the agent that sent the trap.

    3. Click on the OK pushbutton. A new line is created with the Sources field as you defined it.

    4. Click on the Apply pushbutton in the Event Configuration dialog box to refine it.

The next trap received with the specified number and coming from one of the sources you selected in the map will do the specified action. In this example, the file hubs.log will be filled with the message:

Received from hub PITUFO, from its agent IP address
TRMM fatal error

Multiple EUIs with NetView for AIX V4 or V5

The flag nvevents.executeCommands in the /usr/OV/app-defaults/Nvevents file allows you to configure whether a command will be executed once by the ovactiond daemon or by nvevents in each end user interface (EUI) opened.

When this resource is set to True, your command is executed by a daemon in its own environment. This avoids setting some environment variables. For example, ovxbeep and ovxecho will not run because the DISPLAY variable is not set. Also, your command will be run only once because only one daemon runs at a time. This feature can be useful for recovery actions that need to be done once only.

When this resource is set to False and ovactiond is not registered (refer to the NetView for AIX User's Guide), your command will be executed for all windows running the NetView for AIX end user interface. This feature can be useful for messages sent, using ovxbeep and ovxecho, to all NetView for AIX operators.

You can change the default behavior of ovxbeep by customizing /usr/OV/app-defaults/XNm. Also, you can customize ovxbeep and other defaults, in your HOME directory in the .Xdefaults file so that you have a personal environment.

Filtering Traps

When NetView for AIX is first started, the event application in the control desk has no filtering by default.

Customizing Filters

You can customize the standard NetView for AIX event application so that it receives only hub-related events by activating a special Nways Manager-LAN filter, Receive_from_8250_8260_Hubs, in the /usr/OV/filters/iub.filters file.

To select a filter and modify it:

  1. IP addresses can filter the IP addresses that you want to see, or those that you do not want to see:

  2. Time range and threshold - Displays only specific events during a specific period of time. See the NetView for AIX User's Guide for more details.

Using Filters to Retrieve Logged Hub-Related Events

The Receive_from_8250_8260_Hubs filter can be used on the Event Log to display events that have already been received from an 8250 or 8260 hub, as follows:

Only events reported from an 8250 or 8260 hub are displayed.

Using Filters to Display Only Hub-Related Events

The Receive_from_8250_8260_Hubs filter can be used directly on the event display application to display events when they arrive as follows:

Only events reported from an 8250 or 8260 hub and which correspond to your filter will be displayed in the Event Display application.

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